14 - 17 December 2010, Seminar Series on Epigenetic, Development, Nutrition and Disease

Seminar Series under the hospices of the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Stem Cell Center, on the themes of Epigenetics, Development, Nutrition and Disease:

Tue 14 Dec. at 13:00, Domus Medica, room 2183
Dr. Robert Feil, Group Leader, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Montpellier, France.
Title: Epigenetic mechanisms in mammalian genomic imprinting

Wed 15 Dec. at 11:30, Domus Medica, room 2183
Dr. Leonardo Meza-Zepeda, OUS-Radiumhospitalet, Oslo.
Title: Genetic and epigenetic control of Expression phenotypes in mesenchymal biology

Fri 17 Dec. at 12:00, Domus Medica, room 2240
Prof. John C. Mathers, Newcastle University, Institute of Ageing and Health.
Title: Epigenomics: understanding how nutrition modulates the ageing process.

These seminars are offered as part of the upcoming course on Epigenetics, Development and Disease (MF9390), offered by UiO and the Center

All are welcome!

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